CIP scientists present new strategy and corporate plan in Brussels international conference

“There are plenty of opportunities here to present and get feedback on our planned activities for the next ten years”, said CIP’s Deputy Director for Development, Oscar Ortiz. “It is also a great place to enter into new partnerships or renew past ones.”


The EAPR seeks to promote the exchange of scientific and general information relating to all facets of potato growing and utilization, and also to encourage and assist international cooperation in this field. While 80% of the 400 attendees came from Europe, potato specialists from other continents were present, including representatives from the African Potato Association (APA) and the Latin American Potato Association (ALAP).


Two CIP senior scientists were invited to give keynote lectures in the first two days of the event. Andre Devaux, CIP’s regional operation leader for Latin America and the Caribbean, was the first keynote speaker with a presentation entitled: “From a poverty lens to a food security lens: potatoes to improve global food security and sustainability“. CIP’s Executive Officer for Research Management, Philippe Monneveux, gave a keynote lecture on ‘Drought and heat tolerance evaluation in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)‘ .


In addition to the display of five scientific posters designed by CIP, other CIP scientists gave presentations on different topics, including:


A CIP booth allowed the 300+ attendees to find out about the latest publications, including the Catalogue of potato varieties and advanced clones 2014, and to taste colorful potato chips made from native potatoes from the Andes.


More than 50 attendees also joined CIP scientists for three open discussions held in a parallel session dedicated to international research for food security, where CIP’s new strategy and corporate plan was presented. Topics of discussion included seed systems, physiology and genomics.




“CIP’s presence at the conference clearly reinforced the global dimension of the event,” commented the outgoing EAPR President, Jean-Pierre Goffart. “It is important for the EAPR because even though we are a European association, we are interested in international cooperation and global food security.”


international conference, new strategy, scientists