Training on breeding data management with BreedBase
Access to high-quality data for decision-making plays a crucial role in modern plant breeding. Using digital and standardized approaches for data recording and centralized data storage is an effective way to increase heritability, response to selection and consequently expected genetic gains. The International Potato Center (CIP) in collaboration with the Boyce Thompson Institute is organizing a training on breeding data management with BreedBase funded by the Crops to End Hunger project (CtEH-14: Investing in (sweet)potato breeding networks to mitigate climate change) from 23 till 26 September 2024 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The hands-on training will deal with many important aspects of plant breeding data management like the use of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the use of a single centralized database management system (BreedBase), and digital tools for data recording (e.g., phenotypic with Fieldbook App). The training will consist of theoretical and demonstration sessions followed by practical sessions where the participants will be working themselves with the digital tools and BreedBase. The lectures will be in English.
Scientists from CGIAR centers, National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) or Universities from the South Asia and Southeast Asia regions are encouraged to apply for participation through the registration form not later than July 15, 2024. Acceptance for the workshop includes free participation, local travel in Bangladesh, coffee breaks and lunch. Application for additional sponsorship for accommodation and travel is also possible through the registration form. The workshop will be promoting social inclusion and gender equality. To facilitate the latter specific requests will therefore be considered and granted if possible