Seeds are the foundation for agriculture and access to quality seeds of crop varieties that are adapted to the needs and production systems of farmers is an essential feature of a sustainable food system. Seed systems ensure that farmers have timely access to affordable quality seeds and planting materials of the most suitable crop varieties. Farmers – especially small-scale farmers in developing countries – often lack or have limited access to affordable quality seeds and planting materials of crop varieties that are adapted to their production systems and growing conditions. This is due to both a lack of supply as well as inefficient distribution, inadequate quality assurance systems, and bottlenecks caused by a lack of enabling seed policies.
High-quality seeds and seed systems are also now more important than ever to help farmers adapt and maintain productivity in the face of climate change. Countries have pursued one key adaptation mechanism by changing the breeding objective of their research organizations to develop climate smart varieties with tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Some countries have come together to form a regional seed cooperation so that field trial data of public sector varieties conducted in one-member country can be shared with other member countries for faster release in other member countries.
These issues and many others will be covered by the expert panel assembled to discuss “Regional Cooperation for Building a Resilient Seed System in the Philippines.”
The discussion will focus on:
- Challenges faced by the seed sector in the face of climate change.
- Expected impacts of Philippine joining the regional cooperation in seed sector.
- Potential challenges for joining the regional cooperation.
Welcome and introductions
Dr. Sampriti Baruah, moderator
Presentation on regional seed system cooperation
Dr. Samarendu Mohanty
Sharing from panelist (20 minutes each)
- Prof. Dr. Lutful Hassan, Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Dr. Bui Chi Buu, Director General, Institute of Agricultural Science for Southern Vietnam
- Ms. Elvira Morales, Designate-Executive Assistant, National Seed Industry Council, Bureau of Plant Industry-Department of Agriculture
- Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc, Group Lead Public Affairs, East West Seed
Questions and answers session
Dr. Rodel Maghirang, Director, Institute of Plant Breeding, University of Philippines Los Baños
Dr. Sampriti Baruah, moderator

Dr. Sampriti Baruah

Dr. Samarendu Mohanty

Prof. Dr. Lutful Hassan

Dr. Bui Chi Buu

Ms. Elvira Morales

Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc