I’m a vine multiplier who grows sweetpotatoes that are virus-free and selling the vines to neighbors, to grow these improved varieties in kitchen gardens for their own use and to sell.
People have heard about my vines. The yields they produce are far better than other varieties planted nearby and my neighbors demand only the vines that come from my screenhouse. The screenhouse protects the plants from pests and diseases. I’ve now been made a model farmer, after years of success, and now participates in field trials of new varieties.
My success in selling vines has inspired others to do the same. The demand for the vines is high.
A program on Farm Radio broadcasted my phone number, and I was soon swamped with orders that nearly emptied my screenhouse.
I wonders how I could export sweetpotato to other regions or countries just as they are importing apples in the markets imported from other countries in Africa.