In the news

Potato wild relatives: Too much of a good thing?

Potato wild relatives: Too much of a good thing?What do you call it when you suddenly notice things you didn’t notice that much before, and wrongly assume that their frequency has increased? Is it apophenia? Observational selection bias?…

En la Variedad Está el Gusto

05/28/2015 Agricultores de Pisac (Cusco) viajaron a Huancayo para intercambiar experiencias (Artículo en PDF). Go to the article link Caretas

New technology for collecting agric data

05/20/2015 Several researchers have concluded a 10-day training, held in Nairobi, Kenya, on Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro), a software…

Press  Inquiries

Viviana Infantas
Administrative and Events Specialist
