The delegation met CIP representatives Dr. Oscar Ortiz, Deputy Director of Research and Development, Michael Gerba, Chief Operating Officer, and Dr. David Ellis, Director of CIP’s Genebank who delivered a presentation on CIP’s seat in the center of potato diversity, its role in food security and nutrition, and its work in 30 countries worldwide. Dr. Ellis showed the delegation the richness of the CIP Genebank and explained its role in conserving and preserving potato, sweetpotato, and Andean root and tuber diversity for research, the benefit of humanity and future generations.
The visit was part of a six day trade mission to Peru and Mexico that included representatives of the state’s potato, milk, onion, oilseed and seed industries.
Idaho’s potato industry was represented by Seth Pemsler, vice president of the Idaho Potato Commission’s retail and international divisions, as well as two University of Idaho potato researchers.
US Ambassador Nichols (first on left) and Gov. Otter (thrid from left) visit CIP
University of Idaho (UI) food scientist Bob Haggerty said UI wants to establish a more effective research collaboration with international potato researchers.
“We will be looking for synergies and trying to see what we can do to help Idaho’s potato industry,” he told Capitol Ag Press.
US Ambassador Nichols, Idaho Governor Otter in CIP Genebank