This paper provides insights on the principal actors in producing in vitro plantlets, cuttings, and minitubers, with emphasis on the technologies used, the production capacity in place, and challenges. One of the key findings is that the total production of minitubers in the seven countries increased tenfold from 2008 to 2017. In this regard, Kenya and Rwanda turn out to be the major investors and producers of EGS potato in SSA. Schematic representations are used to depict the organizational structures of national formal seed systems. Rapid multiplication techniques used, including aeroponics, hydroponics, and rooted apical cuttings, are described and their comparative advantages to the conventional technique outlined. We also provide an overview on the germplasm used in seed systems, with a special focus on end-users’ preferences. The paper also provides contextualized suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of the seed systems analyzed.
Current situation of rapid multiplication techniques for early generation seed potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa
Citation: Harahagazwe, D.; Andrade-Piedra, J.L.; Parker, M.; Schulte-Geldermann, E. 2018. Current situation of rapid multiplication techniques for early generation seed potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lima (Peru). 46 p. RTB Working Paper. ISSN 2309-6586. no.2018-1.