Training of trainers’ guide on Improving child health and nutrition through diets, feeding and hygiene practices

This is a guide on nutrition, child health and hygiene used for training of trainers in Community Nutrition Scholar Program in Bangladesh. The guide has following 11 components.

Potato production through zero-tillage with straw mulch for household consumption and income

Nutrients and cultivation method of Orange fleshed sweetpotato

Homestead vegetable cultivation for household nutrition

Importance of balanced diet and nutrition

Types and causes of malnutrition and ways to mitigate malnutrition

Appropriate cooking practice to retain nutritional value

Importance of breastfeeding

Complementary food for children

Emergency health care and diet for sick children

Safe motherhood and adolescent care

Personal and environmental cleanliness, hygienic sanitation and safe drinking water

Citation: Rahaman, E.H.M.S.; Chanda, D.; Hossain, M.; Ibrahim, F.H. 2023. Training of trainers’ guide on Improving child health and nutrition through diets, feeding and hygiene practices. International Potato Center. 52 p.

