Performance of SUBSTOR-potato model across contrasting growing conditions.

Citation: Raymundo, R.; Asseng, S.; Prassad, R.; Kleinwechter, U.; Condori, B.; Bowen, W.; Wolf, J.; Olesen, J.; Dong, Q.; Zotarelli, L.; Gastelo, M.; Alva, A.; Travasso, M.; Arora, V.; Graham, W.; Porter, C. 2015. Performance of SUBSTOR-potato model across contrasting growing conditions. In: Welcker, C.; Tuberosa, R.; Tardieu, R. (eds). Conference Handbook. Recent progress in drought tolerance: From genetics to modelling. Montpellier (France). 8, 9 & 12 Jun 2015. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). p. 135.
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