Open Access is vitally important to increase the visibility, accessibility and impact of the research of CIP and other agricultural research for development stakeholders. CIP believes that Open Access (OA) and Open Data (OD) will help increase knowledge and use of CIP’s information products and consequently further its mission as a research center.

CIP’s OA/OD Implementation Plan has been developed pursuant to the CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy (adopted 2013) and the CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Implementation Guidelines (adopted 2014). CIP has created its own Publications Policy, Open Data and Data Management Policy, Open Data and Data Management Guidelines and Procedures supporting processes and workflows linking to our framework Project Life Cycle. Publications Cycle and Data Management Cycle feed into the Post Award section of any project at CIP. These two cycles will guide all processes related to OA/OD at CIP.


Dataverse is a commonly-used open source data repository platform that facilitates the ability to publish, share, reference, extract and analyzes research data. It helps to make research data openly accessible. Each Dataverse contains studies or collections of studies, and each study contains metadata that describes the data plus the actual data and complementary files.


CGSpace is a repository of agricultural research outputs and results produced by different parts of CGIAR and partners. It indexes reports, articles, press releases, presentations, videos, policy briefs and more. GSpace is a collaboration of several CGIAR centers and research programs.


This Open Access & Open Data Toolkit has been created to share information and materials to assist you in various aspects of OA-OD implementation at CIP. It is a living resource and will therefore grow and change over time. You will find information about OA/OD, polices and plans, information and links to CIP repositories, Q&A, and more. 

