From September 9 to 18 the Iniciativa Papas Andinas – along with many local partners – participated at the 2011 Mistura Gastronomic Fair in Lima where farmers from all over Peru came to showcase their produce.
Below is the audio (in Spanish) of the interview with Mr. Victor Serna is a Farmer Field School Facilitator for the ADERS Peru Association (
This association works together with 7 potato producers’ communities in Cajamarca. Victor tells us about ADERS interest on participating in the Mistura Fair together with some of the potato producers: to present them the different aspects of the commercialization chain of the native potatoes that they produce. He also talks about the way in which the native potatoes are cultivated in these comunities.
Additionally, Mrs. Maria Hilda Mendoza Mendoza, gave us some minutes and told us about the effects of the potato seed changes (from regular potatoes to native potatoes) over her community and family.