
Agricultural research for development is an important part of the solution to the challenges facing today’s developing countries: scarce resources, volatile global financial markets, unprecedented climate change, and emerging pests and diseases.

CIP’s research on potato and sweetpotato has been impacting science and people, since its foundation in 1971.

With regional offices and project activities in some 60 locations across Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America, economic benefits from improved production as a result of CIP’s work to date amount to more than a billion US dollars.

Positive impacts also reach far beyond financial gains. They can be measured in terms of human, social, physical and natural livelihood assets.

Anticipated impacts drive CIP’s research. Projects are planned strategically around them to ensure that we can meet our goals and effect real change in people’s lives.

Current research priorities, established by a rigorous targeting exercise, are guided by a comprehensive and layered analysis of where and what research can best help fight hunger and poverty.

CIP’s projects are guided by impact pathways; best-bet descriptions of how projects will ultimately affect the livelihoods of people. Mapping and monitoring the pathway involves a process which brings researchers together with the people on the ground who make the projects work, as well as those who benefit, to ensure that science stays on track.
