World Potato Congress Webinar: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

The World Potato Congress was launched in 1993 in Prince Edward Island in Canada and since then it has organized 11 congresses all over the world, gathering nearly 10,000 potato professionals. The last Congress was organized in Ireland in 2022 when “The Declaration of Dublin” was presented.

Feeding an expanded population nutritiously and sustainably requires substantial improvements to the global food system. One that provides livelihoods for farmers and nutritious products to consumers while minimizing an environmental footprint.

The potato is part of the solution to global challenges because of its resilience and contribution to food security and nutrition which plays a two-part role in the family farming economy as a cash crop and providing food.

Potatoes are now the world’s third most important food crop in terms of human consumption, after wheat and rice. It is currently grown on approximately 20 million hectares of farmland globally, and potato production worldwide accounts for 376 million tonnes.

World Potato Congress Webinar: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

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