International Phytosanitary Awareness Week

Lima, Peru

The Germplasm Health Units (GHU) of CGIAR centers teamed up to organize the ‘International Phytosanitary Awareness Week: The role of Germplasm Health Units (GHUs) in invasive pest and disease control’ from 22 – 26 October 2018. The ultimate aim of this event organized under the auspice of the ‘GENEBANK PLATFORM’ is to increase awareness about the phytosanitary challenges and organizational responsibilities in ensuring distribution of healthy germplasm for food and agricultural R&D. Activities include reaching out to researchers in CGIAR and national institutions to inform about the policy and procedures of international exchange of germplasm and biological materials, risks to seed health, CGIAR practices in germplasm exchange and showcase tools and technologies for germplasm health testing and phytosanitary controls.

For CIP’s part we are organizing a series of events, presentations and communications with the aim to reach all CIP staff, with some additional emphasis within the regional distribution hubs where plant material is moved around internationally.

The team coordinating this important activity at CIP is made up of Jan Kreuze, Giovanna Muller and Wilmer Perez.

Monday 22
8:00am – 9:00 am
Giovanna Müller Seminar “Phytosanitary surveillance at CG-Centers. The role of CIP – Health Quarantine Unit”
Venue: Phureja room
Tuesday 23
8:00am – 8:30 am
Brenda Zea Seminar ” Phytosanitary surveillance – Internal Quarantine & Post entry quarantine at CIP “
Venue: Acaule room
Wednesday 24
8:00am– 9:00 am
Willmer Pérez Seminar “CIP policies and procedures on movement of planting material In Peru – Health Quarantine Unit (HQU)”
Venue: Phureja room
Thursday 25
8:30am – 11:30 am
Half day event. “Rol de las Unidades de Sanidad de Germoplasma (GHUs) del CGIAR en el control de enfermedades y plagas invasivas”
Friday 26
8:00am – 9:00 am
Segundo Fuentes Seminar “The Peruvian potato virome and pathogen diversity database: what can we expect in the future under a changing climate”