Possibilities and opportunities for enhancing the availability of high quality seed potato in Ethiopia: Lessons from the successful 3G project in Kenya.
Citation: Labarta, R.A.2013. Possibilities and opportunities for enhancing the availability of high quality seed potato in Ethiopia: Lessons from the successful 3G project in Kenya. In: Woldegiorgis, G. Schulz, S. Berihun, B. (eds.). Seed potato tuber production and dissemination, experiences, challenges and prospects: Proceedings. National Workshop on Seed Potato Tuber Production and Dissemination. Bahir Dar (Ethiopia). 12-14 Mar 2012. (Ethiopia). Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) International Potato Center ISBN 978-99944-53-87-x. pp. 21-34.
Eastern Africa