CGIAR Centers Attend ITPGRFA Meeting in Brasilia

CGIAR is participating to the intergovernmental meeting of the International Treaty. The delegates are discussing options for enhancing the functioning of the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources For Food And Agriculture (ITPGRFA) with the objective of providing recommendations to the Governing Body meeting of the ITPGRFA which will take place in Rome during October 2015.

CGIAR centers holding plant genetic resources for food and agriculture have signed agreements with the ITPGRFA in 2006, putting their germplasm collections in the Multilateral System, making them freely available for research, training and breeding for food and agriculture to any requestor all over the world.
The objectives of the ITPGRFA are the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their use, in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity, for sustainable agriculture and food security.

Jarett Abramson ( CIMMYT), Remy Bitoun (IRRI), Selim Guvener (CIP) and in back wearing red David Ellis (CIP)
Jarett Abramson ( CIMMYT), Remy Bitoun (IRRI), Selim Guvener (CIP) and in back wearing red David Ellis (CIP)

Further information on the proceedings of the working group can be found at
