Peruvian National Commission Against Biopiracy meets at CIP

The Peruvian National Commission Against Biopiracy held its extraordinary session at CIP today where Commissioners reviewed the results of the work of the commission in 2016 and planned the work ahead for 2017. The Commission is established by law # 28216 in 2006. The commission has a key role within Peru’s national framework on access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

CIP has been a member since the establishment of the Commission, which has Commissioners appointed by INDECOPI, Misistry of Foreign Affairs, MINCETUR, MINAM, PROMPERU, MINAGRI, INIA, CENSI, UNALM, SPDA and CONAPA.

Peruvian Commission Against BioPiracy Meets at CIP
Peruvian Commission Against BioPiracy Meets at CIP