Four orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) genotypes viz., CIP 194513.15, CIP 194515.15, CIP 441132 and CIP 440267.2 collected from International Potato Centre (CIP) and four BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) – hybrid orange flesh sweet potato genotypes viz., H16/06, H19/06, H3/07 and H6/07 were evaluated against BARI SP-3 and BARI SP-4 having orange fleshed at Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Pahartali, Chittagong for yield and quality. The highest (31.59 t/ha) tuberous root yield was found in CIP 194513.15 which was followed by CIP 440267.2 (30.97 t/ha) and the lowest yield (13.34 t/ha) was obtained in BARI SP 3. The maximum dry matter (29.83%) was obtained in H6/07 while the minimum dry matter (17.61%) was obtained in CIP 441132. Among the tested genotypes the highest (approximately) Vitamin A (919.2 ?g/100 g RE, FW) was recorded in CIP 440267.2, which had red skin and latex absent flesh and the lowest was (approximately) in H6/07 (Vit A 0.0 ?g/100 g RE, FW). The results of the present study indicated that CIP 440267.2 is suitable among the OFSP genotypes for cultivation in Bangladesh on the basis of yield and quality mainly carotinous. DOI: The Agriculturists 2013; 11(2) 21-27
Evaluation of orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes for higher yield and quality
Citation: Rahman, M.H.; Alam Patwary, M.M.; Barua, H.; Hossain, M.; Nahar, S. 2013. Evaluation of orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes for higher yield and quality. The Agriculturists. (Bangladesh). ISSN 1729-5211. 11(2):21-27.