Exploiting the use of biotechnology in sweetpotato for improved nutrition and food security: Progress and future outlook.
Citation: Mwanga, R.O.M.; Ghislain, M.; Kreuze, J.; Ssemakula, G.N.; Yencho, C. 2011. Exploiting the use of biotechnology in sweetpotato for improved nutrition and food security: Progress and future outlook. In: Nampala, P.; Makara, M.A. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Agro-Biotechnology, Biosafety and Seed Systems in Developing Countries. International Conference on Agro-Biotechnology, Biosafety and Seed Systems in Developing Countries. Kampala (Uganda). 8-11 Mar 2010. Kampala (Uganda). Science Foundation for Livelihoods and Development. pp. 25-31.