Investment Action Plan for Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Processed Products Using Manual Equipment in Rwanda

Agriculture is the mainstay of the Rwandan economy, contributing about 32% of the GDP and engaging about 2.3 million (80.1%) of the total households in the country. This “Investment Action Plan for orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) processed products using manual equipment” addresses three critical issues that constantly affect the economy: malnutrition, economic underdevelopment, and drudgery women farmers face. The plan is built on an innovative approach to exploiting the potential of vitamin A-rich orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) to combat micronutrient malnutrition and poverty. Sweetpotato is the primary food security crop in the country, but farmers complain of inadequate markets since most households have access to sweetpotato roots. However, being able to diversify market opportunities through the creation of high-value-added products, especially those demanded by growing urban centers, is a promising way to create better income-earning opportunities for sweetpotato producers. The focus on manual processing equipment is designed to ensure accessibility and affordability for small-scale entrepreneurs to benefit from such product diversification.
This document outlines a strategy that capitalizes on a market analysis for OFSP products, a new manual for OFSP processing technologies, training programs for local producers, and marketing strategies. It also provides a detailed financial analysis and identifies potential funding sources. The plan concludes with a monitoring framework to ensure long-term sustainability and effectiveness in improving health and economic conditions. The plan acknowledges the commitment of the Rwandan government to using agriculture as an engine for economic empowerment, and their acknowledgment of the potential benefit of biofortified crops like OFSP to address nutritional as well as economic empowerment objectives concurrently.

Citation: Mwizerwa, H.; Ojwang, S.; Low, J.; Sartas, M. 2023. Investment Action Plan for Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Processed Products Using Manual Equipment in Rwanda. International Potato Center, Nairobi, Kenya. 24 p. DOI:10.4160/cip.2023.12.020

