Potato is one of the main crops worldwide and generates income for small-scale farmers, and it is a primary component of the diet of rural inhabitants, especially in developing countries. In Peru, the demand for French fries in traditional restaurants, rotisserie chicken (“Pollerias”), and fast-food restaurants is increasing every day. However, supply is covered by imported pre-fried potatoes. During the 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 growing seasons, ten potato clones belong to the International Potato Center (CIP) breeding program, and two Peruvian varieties used for frying as controls UNICA (CIP392797.22) and INIA 303-CANCHAN (CIP380389.1) were tested in 13 trials in farmers’ felds placed in the north, center, and south of Peru using a randomized complete block design with three replications of 150 plants. Late blight severity and yield were evaluated under feld conditions, and the contents of dry matter and reducing sugars were determined with laboratory tests.
Clones CIP395123.6, CIP396026.101, and CIP396034.103 were selected for their high level of resistance to late blight, yields over 30 t/ha, with more than 20% dry matter, less than 0.20% reducing sugars and excellent quality for French fries’ sticks. Selected clones have been registered in the ofcial register of cultivars of Peru, as new varieties. The standard of living of small and medium-scale potato farmers can be improved with the production of these new varieties, which support the health of producers and consumers and the environment. New potato varieties can be used as
parents in breeding programs around the world.
New Potato Varieties Resistant to Late Blight and with High Quality for French Fries Generated in Peru
Citation: Gastelo, M.; Pérez, W.; Eyzaguirre, R.; Quispe, K.; Sanabria, K.; Bastos, C.; Otiniano, R.; Pérez, J.M.M.; Mendoza, A.; Unda, T.; Andrade-Piedra, J. 2024. New Potato Varieties Resistant to Late Blight and with High Quality for French Fries Generated in Peru. Potato Research. ISSN 1871-4528.