Nutrient uptake and yields of four sweet potato cultivars grown in soilless culture at three N, P and K different levels
Citation: Rodriguez Delfin, A.; Posadas, A.; Leon Velarde, C.; Mares, V.; Quiroz, R. 2015. Nutrient uptake and yields of four sweet potato cultivars grown in soilless culture at three N, P and K different levels. In: Carlile, W.R. (ed). Proceedings of the International Conference. International Conference and Exhibition on Soilless Culture - ICESC2010. Singapore (Singapore). 8-13 Mar 2010. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). ISBN 978-94-62610-42-2. pp. 21-28. Acta Horticulturae. ISSN 0567-7572. no.1062.