Databases and Software

CIP Germplasm Ordering System


In vitro germplasm is available for distribution. It is used in breeding programs in over 100 countries.

Passport and Evaluation Data Search

CIP germplasm passport and evaluation data. Searchable via Biomart.

Inter-genebank Potato Database

Global database of wild potato species available from genebank members, including

CIP, of the Association of Potato Inter-genebank Collaborators (APIC).

Sweetpotato Gene Index

Sweetpotato Gene IndexHybrid assembly of 454 sequencing reads of two normalized cDNA libraries, one derived from leaves and one from stems of the sweetpotato clone Tanzania (CIP 440160), with 22,094 EST data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank. Use Biomart to search and compare sequences.


Potato Gene IndexThe Potato Gene Engineering NEtwork (PotatoGENE) was created by scientists to share and provide information on the development and use of transgenic potato varieties for the benefit of resource-poor farmers in developing countries.

Insect Life Cycle Modeling (ILCYM)

ILCYMTools for modeling pest insect phenology and studying pest population ecology.

Catalog of CIP Advanced Clones

Advanced CIP

This catalogue is intended to provide relevant information about advanced potato clones developed at the International Potato Center (CIP). These clones are currently available for worldwide distribution to potato research programs and other interested parties, including national programs, universities, producer associations and farmer communities.

Catalog of CIP Potato Varieties

CIP Potato VarietiesThe Potato Catalogue contains information of 55 potato varieties selected from breeding material provided by the International Potato Center (CIP) and released by national potato program.

Potato Genetic Identity Kit

Identify your potato with DNA markers Database of 24 SSR markers for genotyping potato landraces. Markers were selected based on quality criteria, genome coverage, and locus-specific information content. Use to standardize the choice and allele sizing of microsatellites in potato and for cumulative analysis of independently generated data.

System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (GENESYS)

SINGERGermplasm information exchange network of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and its partners.

Global Trial Data Management System


HomeGlobalDataEntryToolsforRootsandTubersCIPcollab.pngCIPs global database of field trials for potato and sweetpotato


Free, open-source GIS for creating species distribution maps and analyzing distribution data. Use with data from national and international genebanks and SINGER.


Downloadable climate data, maps, and geo-referenced databases.

World Potato Atlas

Potato AtlasInformation about world potato production and use, with emphasis on developing countries.

World Sweetpotato Atlas

Sweetpotato AtlasInformation about world sweetpotato production and use, with emphasis on developing countries.

Wild Potato Species Atlas

Wild Potato AtlasDistribution maps of all currently recognized wild potato species.
