Ethiopian farmers help researchers select potato varieties that the market demandsGlobal BlogMay 14, 2019
Is scaling up of technologies for sweetpotato reinforcing or reducing gender inequalities?Global Blog, Sub Saharan AfricaMay 26, 2018
How Gender research— in root and tuber crops— is transforming the lives of women (and men) in AfricaGlobal Blog, Potato, Resilient Nutritious Sweetpotato, Sub Saharan Africa, Sweetpotato, SweetpotatoMarch 7, 2018
Fighting hidden hunger among Tanzania’s women and children with nutritious sweetpotatoBNFB, Global BlogMarch 7, 2018
Gender analysis provides new insights into CIP’s work with indigenous farmers in the AndesGlobal Blog, Impacts, Region LAC, Resilient Food SystemsNovember 3, 2016