
Gates Calls Attention to Hunger

Jan 24, 2012 “We get a strong response on health issues,” he said by telephone. “But when we show a…

Using multi-site experimental data for seasonal crop yield forecasting: common Bean and Potato case studies

Seasonal weather forecasting is of paramount importance in order to assess and address vulnerabilities of agriculture to short-term climate variations and climate risk.However, coupling crop models with seasonal weather forecasts is not an easy task, partly because of our limited understanding of climate and biological systems, access to multi-sites experimental data, the differences in modeling scales, and possible feedbacks and partly due to the gap between climate and agricultural science.

Global program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas to exploit untapped potential and new synergies for increasing food security and incomes

Two-hundred million poor farmers in developing countries use roots, tubers, and bananas (RTBs) for food security and income. But they don’t fully benefit from the potential of these nutritious, resilient, and versatile crops. They are constrained by challenges such as poor quality seed, stresses from climate change, and poor management practices.

Seed potato Roadmap setting the course for improved incomes and food security in Eastern Africa

Potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa has more than doubled since 1994. Despite these gains, potato yields of small-scale farmers in the region fall short due to a potent combination of inadequate supply of high-quality seed and limited awareness of better management practices. Engaging the private sector in seed potato value chains offers a means to unlock this yield gap by overcoming the supply bottleneck for the provision of quality seed.

Improving incomes and nutritional health in Bangladesh through potato, sweetpotato and vegetables

Poverty affects 40 percent of people in Bangladesh, and malnutrition is among the highest in the world, with 56 percent of preschoolers underweight. In an effort to combat these alarming numbers, the International Potato Center (CIP) is launching a new program in disaster-prone southern Bangladesh to raise incomes and improve nutritional health through potato, sweetpotato, and vegetables.
