
Accelerating genetic enhancement

In the face of demographic shifts and climate change, increasing food supplies for resource-poor populations is an urgent priority. Farmers,…

Sweetpotato in Asia

Sweetpotato in Asia   by admin — last modified Nov 22, 2011 05:37 AM — History Sustainable strategies for reducing…

Sweetpotato in Africa

CIP’s multi-stakeholder partnership program Sweetpotato for Profit and Health Initiative (SPHI) has set a goal of reaching 10 million households…

Potato in temperate Asia

Conserving water, enhancing incomes The temperate regions of Asia include portions of China, Korea, Turkey, the southern Caucasus, and all…

Ruta Condor

The route of the condor is apt inspiration for CIP’s ongoing project restoring and conserving the genetic diversity of native…

Potato in lowlands

Potato in subtropical lowlands Promoting early maturing varieties to diversify cereal-based systems Throughout Asia’s subtropical lowlands (spanning the Indo-Gangetic Plain…

Partnerships and special projects

CIP has a rich and successful history of creating, coordinating, and working in partnerships. Partners and stakeholders span a range…

C88 popularity in Southwest China

Cooperation-88 (C88) is a high yielding CIP cultivar. Owing to durable late blight resistance and excellent vegetative growth, production of…